5 Quotes & Sayings By Edward Bunker

Edward Bunker is an actor best known for his Emmy-nominated performance in the movie "The Color of Money." He was born in New York in 1945. Edward's father, William Bunker, was a member of the Communist Party USA. The younger Bunker graduated with a degree in literature from Wesleyan University in 1967. He moved to New York City soon after graduation and has acted in numerous films and television shows.

In three months Ron read more than he had in his entire previous life. He felt his mind widen, his perceptions become more acute, for each book was a prism refracting the infinitely varied truths of experience. Some were telescopes; some microscopes. Edward Bunker
But the human mind, when it reaches the bottom of the abyss, must bounce back or disintegrate entirely. Edward Bunker
I need a kid like I need a bad heart. A pretty kid is a ticket to trouble... and I'm too old to ask for that. Shit, I haven't even booked Tommy the Face in two years. I'm turning into a jack-off idiot. Edward Bunker
During the interim, no matter how much agony the man may feel, he also experiences excitement, the excitement of learning how to cope with a closed society that reflects free society as a funhouse mirror reflects the human form: everything is there, but distorted. Edward Bunker